


business ethics

and product


The sustainability of our business depends on the quality of our products as we have placed extensive and substantiate emphasis on our stringent quality control at every station of our manufacturing processes. At the same time, we also have to innovate our manufacturing processes to keep in pace with the technological advancements.
Another important sustainability point is knowing, understanding and responding to customer’s needs. We view the relationships with our customers as one of our main priorities. We pay particular attention to our customers’s needs and continously improving our supply chain to effectively meet all their demands.
We understand that a good financial performance is vital for the success of the sustainability of the Group.

The Group will be principally involved in a more comprehensive range of plastic manufacturing services and this will enhance our competitiveness and offer opportunities for futher expansion as well as benefits aring from complementary synergies, ability to;
• Offer more expansive product offerings
• Streamline its supply chain and gain better bargaining power through bulk purchases
• Cross sell services to existing and new customers
• To share knowledge

Business Ethics

We are committed to ensure that the highest standards of good corporate governance and ethical conduct is practised in the Group of Companies in the way we conduct our business matters. We have our Employee Handbook – Code of Conduct. Our Board of Directors have also adopted a Whistleblowing Policy emphasizing on carrying out its business in accordance to the highest standards of professionalism, honesty, integrity and ethics.

The Policy is;
• To help develop a culture of accountability and integrity within the Group,
• To provide a safe and confidential avenue for all stakeholders to raise concerns about any poor or unacceptable practise or misconduct,
• To reassure whistleblowers that they will be protected from detrimental action or unfair treatment for disclosing concerns in good faith,
• To deter misconduct and promote standards of good corporate practices.

Product And Service Quality

We strive to deliver quality products and services to our customers. We have the following certifications and subject to stringent audits by the following boards;


ISO 9001:2015
(Quality Management Systems)
This ISO specifies requirements for a quality management system where an organization;
  • has the ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, and
  • enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.


ISO 13485:2016,
Medical devices
(Quality management systems)
This is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system where our organization has the ability to provide medical devices and related services that consistently meet customer and applicable regulatory requirements.


C-TPAT (Customs – Trade Partnership against Terrorism)

We comply to supply chain security audits against all Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT global and regional requirements) ensuring:

  • Outside Barriers and Physical Security
  • Factory Internal Security
  • Factory Employee Security
  • Shipping Dock Security
  • Key and Seal Controls
  • Security Processes
  • Container and Merchandise Movement
  • Computer Systems Security and Controls


SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA)- 4 Pillars
SEDEX members have agreed the Best Practice Guide, a common methodology to improve audit standards and promote mutual acceptance of audit reports. SMETA also review performance against the right to work of migrant workers, management systems and implementation, sub-contracting and home working and environmental issues. SMETA 4-pillars was developed in order to meet the changing needs of consumer goods organisations and focuses on the four pillars of Labour Standards, Environmental Management, Health and Safety, and Business Integrity.


NSF International Certified

NSF International is an independent public health and safety organization whose influence and stringent standards in standardising food safety and sanitation protocols to promote public health. NSF International is accredited as an independent, third-party certification company that tests and analyses products to make sure that they meet high safety standards.